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Grant Application

Palisades High School Booster Club Grant Guidelines and Instructions for Applicants 


Booster Club Priorities: 

The Booster Club helps purchase services and materials that enrich the PCHS educational capacity, environment, and experience. The Club supports special / innovative activities and approaches that would not otherwise be provided through the school’s traditional core budget. 

Successful Grant Applications: 

While funding decisions can vary depending on how much money the Club has to allocate at any given time, applicants maximize their chances of success by: 

  1. Proposing enriching initiatives that will have lasting, demonstrable, positive effects on the school / school community members; 

  2. Showing that the proposed initiative has been carefully planned (especially to minimize costs) and providing a clear break down of the individual costs. 

  3. Arranging for at least one-third to one-half of the total cost of an initiative to come from sources other than the Booster Club (e.g., parent/student contributions, fees, or fundraising activities) 

  4. Planning in advance and submitting early. 

  5. Discussing the request with the applicable Department Chair or Immediate Supervisor & obtaining his/her name and signature to verify awareness of the request. 

  6. Ideally, attending the Booster Club meeting at which the application will be considered, so that the applicant can more vividly describe the initiative and answer any questions. Students and others who would directly benefit from a grant are strongly encouraged to attend the meeting as well. 

Booster Club Online Grant Application

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